Sermons from October 2019

The Gospel has Enemies: Titus Chapter 1 verses 10-16 Sunday Morning October 20th 2019

Summary Of Sermon: This week, we continued the book of Titus. In the sermon, the big idea was we need pastors because the gospel has enemies. First, we need pastors because the gospel has enemies, who are numerous ( verses 10-11) Second, we need pastors because the gospel has enemies, who need rebuked ( verses 12-14) Third, we need pastors because the…

We Need Order: Titus Chapter 1 verses 5-9

Summary of Sermon: This week, we continued the book of Titus. In the sermon, the big idea was we need pastors. The pastors we need, according to Paul, have three traits. First, we need pastors with stable homes. (verse 6) Pastors must be genuine Christians. Pastors must be devoted husbands. Pastors must be disciple-making fathers. Second, we need pastors with solid character…