What to Expect

Our Services

  1. We sing out of the Baptist Hymnal of 1991
  2. We pray together
  3. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries
  4. We practice the ordinance of Baptism of professors of faith by full immersion during Sunday morning services. These take place after someone meets with the pastor, is taught the meaning of baptism and are interviewed.
  5. We practice the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper one Sunday evening service every quarter. Qualified candidates include those who have been baptized by immersion as believers and members of our church or a church of like faith and practice in good standing.
  6. We sit under the preaching of the Bible
    • Length: 35-45 minutes
    • Style: Sermons usually include the explanation, illustration, and application of a specific text of Scripture. Furthermore, our pastor typically preaches systematically through books of the Bible. Occasionally a topic will be explored considering relevant passages of Scripture.
    • Resources: The pastor provides a sermon summary and discussion questions every week.
  7. We provide childcare during Sunday School. However, during the service, we don’t have any childcare at present. We welcome children and the distractions they bring in the main service. Parents may take children out to the foyer or cry room in the back of the sanctuary if they need too. Also, parents need not be embarrassed if they have to exit the sanctuary or if their children make noise. We expect it and encourage our members to help you in any way you need.
  8. Our services are between 1 and 1 hour and 10 minutes long
  9. There is not an expected level of attire. The pastor wears a suit, but congregants wear anything from formal clothing to jeans and a T-shirt.