We Need Order: Titus Chapter 1 verses 5-9

Summary of Sermon:

This week, we continued the book of Titus. In the sermon, the big idea was we need pastors. The pastors we need, according to Paul, have three traits.

First, we need pastors with stable homes. (verse 6)

  • Pastors must be genuine Christians.
  • Pastors must be devoted husbands.
  • Pastors must be disciple-making fathers.

Second, we need pastors with solid character ( verses 7-8)

Third, we need pastors with sound doctrine (verse 9)

There are two reasons a pastor must be committed to the truths of scripture.

  1. They must encourage others with sound doctrine. The exact tone of such encouragement depends on the audience and situation. It can sometimes be stern encouragement or tender encouragement. Pastors are to guide those under their care with true doctrine that informs their minds, hearts, and actions.
  2. They must rebuke contradictors of sound doctrine. Pastors must know the truth with such clarity and precision that they can spot and refute those who contradict it.

Summary and Reflection:

Read Titus 1:5-9. In this passage, we learn that local churches need pastors and what these pastors are to be like.

  1. Why did Paul leave Titus in Crete? ( verse 5)
  2. What is the first list of traits an elder must have? ( verse 6)
  3. What is the second list of traits an elder must have? (verses 7-8)
  4. What must an elder must be able to do to function in the office? (verse 9)


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