Summary of Sermon: This week, Jonah reveals that salvation belongs to God (2:9). Three related truths are also made clear in the text. First, salvation belongs to God, and He chooses the means ( 1:17 ; 2:10) Second, salvation belongs to God, and you surely need it. ( 2:1-6) Third, salvation belongs to God, and you must go to Him ( 2:7-9)…
Summary of Sermon: This week, Jonah reveals some shocking things about our God. What is shocking about God’s command? (verses 1-3) What is so shocking about God’s control? (verses 7-13) What is shocking about God’s deliverance? (verses 14-17) Summary and Reflection: Read Jonah 1. In this passage, we learn that our God is shocking. What is the command God gives Jonah? How…
Summary of Sermon: This week, we learned that we need to pray. The author of Hebrews exemplifies two components of prayer. First, pray to your God ( verse 20). The author prays to the God of peace. The author then states what the God of Peace has done. Second, Pray to be equipped ( verse…
Summary of Sermon: This week, we learned that we need to keep the faith. The author of Hebrews provides three habits that are fruits of faith. First, keep the faith by offering sacrifices ( verses 15-16) Second, keep the faith by obeying leaders ( verse 17) Third, keep the faith by making intercessions ( verses…
Summary Of Sermon: This week we learned that we need to keep the faith. The author of Hebrews provides you with two reasons. First, Keep the faith because you have the best altar. (verses 10-12) Second, keep the faith because you have the best destination. (verses 13-14) Summary and Reflection: Read Hebrews chapter 13 verses…