Sermon Archive (Page 25)

We Need Order: Titus Chapter 1 verses 5-9

Summary of Sermon: This week, we continued the book of Titus. In the sermon, the big idea was we need pastors. The pastors we need, according to Paul, have three traits. First, we need pastors with stable homes. (verse 6) Pastors must be genuine Christians. Pastors must be devoted husbands. Pastors must be disciple-making fathers. Second, we need pastors with solid character…

A Call to Corporate Faithfulness Titus Chapter 1 verses 1-4 Sunday September 29th, 2019 Sunday Morning Service

Summary of Sermon: This week, we began the book of Titus. In the sermon, the big idea was pursue Faithfulness. Paul provides three things that are necessary for the pursuit of faithfulness. First, pursue faithfulness by following servant leaders. (verse 1) Second, pursue faithfulness by having gospel hope ( verses 2-3) Third, pursue faithfulness by God’s empowering grace ( verse 4) Summary…

Our Repenting and God’s Relenting: Jonah Chapter 3 Verses 1-10 Sunday September 15th,2019

Summary of Sermon: This week, Jonah and the people of Nineveh show us the proper response to God’s warnings and commands. The big idea is God relents when you repent. Therefore, repent of your sins and trust in Christ. To help us understand this proper response, we answered three related questions raised by the text. First, how does Jonah respond differently to…

Your Shocking God: Johna 1:1-16 Sept. 1st, 2019 Sunday Morning Service

Summary of Sermon: This week, Jonah reveals some shocking things about our God. What is shocking about God’s command? (verses 1-3) What is so shocking about God’s control? (verses 7-13) What is shocking about God’s deliverance? (verses 14-17) Summary and Reflection: Read Jonah 1. In this passage, we learn that our God is shocking. What is the command God gives Jonah? How…