Sermons by Jimmy Johnson (Page 18)

Jesus Brings the Kingdom: Mark Chapter 1 verses 35-45 Sunday Morning Feb. 23, 2020

Summary Of Sermon: This week we discussed Jesus departure from Capernaum and ministry Thereafter. The big idea was Jesus brings God’s Kingdom. To begin with, Jesus, as the bringer of God’s Kingdom, prioritizes its arrival through prayer ( Verse 35) Next, Jesus, as the bringer of God’s Kingdom, announces its arrival by preaching ( verses 36-39) Lastly, Jesus, as the bringer of…

Jesus Delivers Mark Chapter 1 verses 29-34 Sunday Morning Feb.16th 2020

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum. The big idea was Jesus delivers. First, we observed how Jesus delivered Simon’s mother in law ( verses 29-31) Second, we observed how Jesus delivered the diseased and demon possessed. ( verses 32-34) Summary and Reflection: Read Mark Chapter 1 verses 29-34. In this passage, we are shown…

The Amazing Authority of Jesus Mark Chapter 1 verses 21-28 Sunday morning Feb. 9th 2020

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed the beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry in Capernaum. The big idea was Jesus has authority. First, we learned that Jesus has authority to teach crowds ( verses 21-22) Second, we learned that Jesus has authority to dominate demons. (verses 23-26) Third, we learned that Jesus has authority to amaze everybody. ( verses 27-28) Summary and Reflection:…

The King and His Preachers Mark Chapter 1 verses 14-20 Sunday Morning Feb.2nd, 2020

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed the preaching and preachers of Jesus. The big idea was follow Jesus. As you read this narrative, you will be forced to consider King Jesus and His Preaching. ( verses 14-15) In addition to considering King Jesus and His Preaching, you also must consider King Jesus and His Preachers ( verses 16-20) Summary and Reflection:…

Humility, Royalty, Victory: Mark Chapter 1 verses 9-13 Sunday Jan 26th, 2020 Sunday Morning

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed the baptism and temptation of Jesus. The big idea was trust in Jesus. To begin with, behold Jesus’ humble baptism ( verse 9) Next, behold Jesus’ royal coronation ( verses 10-11) Now, behold Jesus’ victorious triumph ( verses 12-13) Summary and Reflection: Read Mark Chapter 1 verses 9-13. In this passage, we are told to…

A Year of Faith-Fueled Wisdom Part 2 Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 7-12 January 12, 2020 Sunday Morning

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed living wisely. The big idea was trust and obey Wisdom. First, trust and obey Wisdom for a healthy life ( verses 7-8) Second, trust and obey Wisdom for a prosperous life ( verses 9-10) Third, trust and obey Wisdom for a disciplined life ( verses 11-12) Summary and Reflection: Read Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 1-12.…

A Year of Faith-Fueled Wisdom Part 1 Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 1-6 Sunday Morning Jan.5th, 2020

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed living wisely. The big idea was trust and obey Wisdom. First, trust and obey Wisdom for a long life. ( verses 1-2) Second, trust and obey Wisdom for a successful life. ( verses 3-4) Third, trust and obey Wisdom for a guided life. ( verses 5-6) Summary and Reflection: Read Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 1-12.…

The Ever- Reigning Seed, 2 Samuel chapter 7 verses 1-17 Dec. 22nd, 2019 Sunday Morning Service.

Summary Of Sermon: This week continued a series on the promised seed of the Old Testament. We have observed God’s promise of serpent slaying and nation blessing seed.we learned that the seed will all be an ever- reigning seed. The sermon, big idea was that we need someone who blesses the nations. First, we need an ever-reigning king, and Solomon wasn’t Him.…