Vista Baptist Church family and friends, Here is another devotion from the Psalms. May God use it to help you rejoice in Him. Pastor Jimmy
Vista Baptist Church family and friends, Here is another devotion from the Psalms. May God use it to help you rejoice in Him. Pastor Jimmy
Good morning church family and friends, Here is your sermon. It is longer than last week’s sermon by about six minutes. I figure since my Wednesday night devotion was six minutes shorter than my last Wednesday night devotion, I could just add the extra six to this sermon. That’s how it works right? Social distancing and another year older are making me…
Good evening Vista Baptist Church family and friends, May God use this time in His Word to bless you.
Good morning Vista Baptist Church family and friends, Here is the Bible Study I recorded for this morning. I hope and pray God will help you with your personal or family study of His Word. Know that if you are watching, that my family and I also are watching. If you sing the songs, know that we also are singing them. If…
Good evening Vista Baptist Church family and friends, Here is your video devotion as promised. I will be monitoring comments. If you have questions or prayer requests, please leave them in the comment section or send me a private message. May God used this in your study of the Scriptures and grow you in the knowledge of Christ. Grace and peace, Pastor…
Good Morning Vista Baptist Church family and friends, I had planned on recording at the church but technical difficulties required me to do it from my home office. Below is a suggested order. I will post a link to the sermon guide later in the day. May God use this time to strengthen your faith and encourage you. 1. Pray2. When We…
Good evening, this one of the many ways I will try to shepherd you in the coming days. Lord willing, you can expect a video posted every Wednesday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday evening. Wednesday night and Sunday night will be more like Bible Study/Devotionals. Sunday Morning will be more like an ordinary sermon. Though this is not ideal or even a…
Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed Jesus’ return to Capernaum. The big idea was, “observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins.” To begin, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins anticipated. ( verses 1-2) Next, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins declared. ( verses 3-5) Conversely, in the third point, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins doubted. ( verses 6-7) Now, observe Jesus’…
Summary Of Sermon: This week we discussed Jesus departure from Capernaum and ministry Thereafter. The big idea was Jesus brings God’s Kingdom. To begin with, Jesus, as the bringer of God’s Kingdom, prioritizes its arrival through prayer ( Verse 35) Next, Jesus, as the bringer of God’s Kingdom, announces its arrival by preaching ( verses 36-39) Lastly, Jesus, as the bringer of…
Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum. The big idea was Jesus delivers. First, we observed how Jesus delivered Simon’s mother in law ( verses 29-31) Second, we observed how Jesus delivered the diseased and demon possessed. ( verses 32-34) Summary and Reflection: Read Mark Chapter 1 verses 29-34. In this passage, we are shown…