Sermons on Mark (Page 4)

He Always Does Good: Mark 3:1-6

Good morning church family and friends, Here is your sermon. It is longer than last week’s sermon by about six minutes. I figure since my Wednesday night devotion was six minutes shorter than my last Wednesday night devotion, I could just add the extra six to this sermon. That’s how it works right? Social distancing and another year older are making me…

A Change Has Come: Mark 2:18-22

Good Morning Vista Baptist Church family and friends, I had planned on recording at the church but technical difficulties required me to do it from my home office. Below is a suggested order. I will post a link to the sermon guide later in the day. May God use this time to strengthen your faith and encourage you. 1. Pray2. When We…

The Forgiver of Sins: Mark Chapter 2 verses 1-12 March 1st 2020 Sunday Morning

Summary of Sermon: This week we discussed Jesus’ return to Capernaum. The big idea was, “observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins.” To begin, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins anticipated. ( verses 1-2) Next, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins declared. ( verses 3-5) Conversely, in the third point, observe Jesus’ power to forgive sins doubted. ( verses 6-7) Now, observe Jesus’…